Tuesday 9th April, starting at 8.30 pm in the Archery room at Wolf Mountain

Admiring the view from Moel Siabod
We are presenting a selection of photos of a variety of hill & mountain walking, some close to town and suitable for day trips, others further afield. Includes Clent hills, Shropshire, North Wales, Scottish Highlands, and many other regions of the country.
This show is presented by the WMC as part of the week-long “2013 Wolverhampton Walking Festival”, the city’s contribution to the national “Walking for Health” initiative. The event is at Wolf Mountain, Paget Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0DU.

Sunrise over Tryfan and Bristly Ridge
The target audience is participants in the walking festival, most of whom would be less experienced hill walkers, but we hope it will also interest WMC members. The festival has been held for a number of years, but never including a slide show of this sort, so no-one knows how many people will attend, hopefully it will not be too crowded.