Following some post AGM 'tuning' to try and maximise the opportunity ahead of us in 2023, your new committee is in place, with no vacancies ! Who are you we hear you cry ? Well, from a Committee perspective, there are some familiar faces, some familiar faces with 'different hats', some new faces (including one relatively new to the club, which will help ensure we have a broad mix of perspectives 'at the table' ;-)), plus, an 'evolved' (and still evolving) role ! However, regardless of which 'box/es we tick', we are your Committee and it's your club ! Suggestions and/or questions ? Let us know. We don't have all the answers (or even all the questions !). We need your inputs and are excited about the year ahead, and what we can achieve together ! Chairman: Richard Amor-Wilkes
Secretary: Janet Price Assistant Secretary: Carol Umarova
Treasurer: Mike Hill
New Members' Secretary: Lee Cartwright
Outdoor Meets Secretary: Kay Armitage
Indoor Meets Secretary: Cath Gutteridge
Hut Warden: Richard Sealey
Hut Booking Secretary: Mike Gutteridge
Communications Officer (The Post Formerly Known As Editor): Neil Loydon
Liaison Officer: Robert Stewart
Web Master: Tom Hartland
Equipment Officer: Dave Wilkinson
Accounts Inspector : Sandra Garrington (non-committee post) Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash